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land where she managed, by using the Cullen acquaintance and influence in a manner no other Cullen had ever dared, to gain a presentation at Court, and where she made an excellent impression. Shortly afterwards Oliver and she were entertained in English country places; they visited Egypt and India in company with English people of such distinguished standing that when Agnes returned to Chicago the women who previously would have snubbed her unmercifully—if she had been stupid enough to have given them a chance—fell over one another to receive her. But immediately after her return, she made it plain that she had broader plans than a mere social career.

Oliver entered the business; and the antagonism between his father and his uncle, which had more or less lapsed during John's failing health and Oliver's indifference, blazed up hotter than ever. John died and "the damned weakling" and his upstart wife, who had been a stenographer, claimed from Lucas and his stronger, far more able sons, the control of the Cullen corporations which ownership of old John's stock implied.

Lucas fought and blustered; but Oliver asserted the control; or, rather, Agnes did. For Lucas and his sons did not remain long in doubt regarding the force with which they had to deal; nor did outsiders remain ignorant. Mrs. Oliver Cullen, they thought, would have preferred to have her husband in control; but, having seen him try to exercise power, she held no dangerous illusions and took charge herself.

Oliver—whose youthful frailty developed into actual lesions before he was forty—fainted on a July day when he was walking in the sun; upon his recovery, he summoned his lawyer and transferred to Agnes title