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edge of the crime committed. But before any one had been killed at the Rock, her grandfather had offered her money to tell him all she knew about Barney Loutrelle. Her uncle had not asked her for that information so directly; uncle Lucas did not do things directly; but she was sure that he had given that money for the purpose of learning more from her about Barney. About what events connected with him particularly? About his life with Azen Mabo? About his ring? About the fact that cousin Agnes had a group which included him? These bewildered speculations ran through Ethel's mind as she watched Loutrelle.

"I'm not touching uncle Lucas's money, of course," she said. "He has told me that the family is protecting father's investments which I told you about. I can't stop that; I don't think I would if I could. It will save father's friends, and uncle Lucas won't lose in the end. But I'll not have his money. I found out that James Quinlan, who was mentioned in that letter, had been in grandfather's employ and—you had that letter?" she interrupted herself, "where I told about it and his having lost his fingers from his right hand?"

"That crossed mine," Barney said, "in which I was so sure that the fellow with a short right mitten probably had no connection with our affair. Of course, I don't think that now. The coincidence would be too much."

"It wasn't a coincidence. Two days ago and yesterday I found out a good deal more about James Quinlan. My cousin had told me that he used to work for grandfather as long ago as when grandfather lived in the lumber camps."

"Yes; your letter said that."