Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/257

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ear, "this is the trance; she's under her 'control.' Eva has came; little Eva spoke that piece."

"Yes," said Ethel. "Do you know who she means?"

"From that?" Bennet returned in disgust.

"Can you describe the man better now?" Barney inquired of the medium, writing his own question as he had recorded the others.

"He shows me a capital O," the voice of "Eva" continued strongly and distinctly. "Now a J with it; the J is before the O; J O."

"Can you give the next letter now?" Bennet inquired, in imitation of Barney's question.

"There is no next letter," the voice replied. "He builds up no more letters; but he makes the O clearer; it is not an O; it is a Q."

"Q?" Bennet challenged.

The voice did not reply directly. "Eva feels like a blow in the breast; there is gushing from it. He does not know he is giving this. He has not done it on purpose; they have tried to make him forget that; but Eva gets it from him. 'I am happy,' he says. 'It is true, I am happy.' He can say that; but that is all now. He holds up in his hand a torch—a flaming torch. Associated with the torch is the word Galilee. The younger man leads him away." The voice again ceased.

Ethel gazed at Barney who had stopped writing and turned to her but made no comment; Bennet waited silently; and Ethel knew that to both of them the reference to James Quinlan was as clear as to herself; not merely because the letter which he "built up" made his initials, but because of the apparent reference to her letter from London where Quinlan was told he