Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/259

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good features. He might be your father. Yes; he nods his head. He says he is your father. His hair is not brown; it is lighter than brown. Eva cannot see his face very clearly. He has been trying to come to you many times before; but there have been difficulties. Once he almost got through to you. It was in a dream, Eva thinks. Yes, he nods. It was in a dream, but when you woke up you forgot. It is arranged so; when one visits so, one does not remember. He has much to say to you—" The voice trailed off and stopped.

"What did he want to say?" Ethel demanded again.

"He says, 'Tell her of my love; tell her it keeps right on. Tell her I know and see and am satisfied. Tell her I am happier now.'"

"What did he want to say?" Ethel demanded again, when this meaningless talk ceased.

"He builds up something; a letter," the voice continued. "The letter L."

"What does that mean?"

"It is his name; no, he shakes his head. It is not his name. The name of some one else; no, again he shakes his head. It is the name of a place; a city where something has happened."

"London?" Ethel put in again.

"Yes; London. He says also it is the name of a person; he wants Eva to correct that; it is the name of a person too."

"What about that person?"

"He says important events will come; he wants to say, they are happening now with L. Observe and have patience; that is the difference from before; things are happening of themselves without interference. Now he is going. I'm off. He can't say good-