Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/283

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before he told about the spook who had displayed a capital J. and Q.

This evoked from his grandfather a different quality of attention, but there was no distinct alteration in Lucas's attitude until Bennet related how the medium had said that the spirit had raised a flaming torch and associated the torch with the word Galilee.

So alarming was the consequence of this that Bennet could not at once realize it was simply a consequence. He jumped up in fright, imagining that his grandfather suddenly had suffered from a cramp or other physical seizure.

"Why, grandfather, you want some whiskey? I'll get you—"

Lucas controlled himself and stood up. "Indigestion," he mumbled. "Caviar here to-night. Go on; what else happened?"

When Bennet informed him that nothing else transpired at the séance, he thought for a while that his grandson was concealing something; but at last he satisfied himself that he knew all; and he went to his room.

Bennet's complaisance over the results of this evening now was completely routed. When he went to his room, he flung himself down only to jump up again and stamp about in his impotent anger at Ethel and Loutrelle. "Galilee" and the flaming torch; what was behind them to bring such a reaction from his grandfather? Bennet did not like it at all.

And less would he have liked it had he observed the persistence of the effect upon his grandfather. For Lucas, after leaving his grandson, had passed through the room where was his bed, and where his wife was sleeping, to the bedless room beyond; there he opened