Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/348

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Mrs. Stanton-Fielding had issued admission cards, thirty or forty in number for each sitting, which her friends were asked to give to others who were interested and who might not be known to herself. The holders of these cards were expected merely to present them at the door and enter without giving their names, as Mrs. Brand preferred to know nothing whatever about the people in the "circle." Accordingly, many of the attendants at these séances came not only anonymously, but heavily veiled or masked so as not to be recognized

It was one of these sittings, where there were sure to be influential witnesses for any extraordinary "evidential" messages, that Jaccard had chosen for demonstration of Agnes Cullen's presence in the world beyond. When Lucas at last attended one of these séances, he contented himself at first with merely watching and listening to the phenomena which occurred for others; and the result of that first afternoon, while in certain ways disconcerting, yet on the whole seemed so governable that upon the next day he brought with him his daughter-in-law Myra and his grandson Bennet to ask natural questions of the medium out of concern for their lost cousin Agnes; so it was upon this occasion that request was made for proof of the death of Mrs. Oliver Cullen.