Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/367

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parents went with the party under King Strang who chose to find refuge, not in flight to Utah, but in the northern woods. For safety from the vigilantes, they went to Beaver Island, just south of the Straits, where they founded Strang's kingdom. But they found no safety; again persecution. Drunken fishermen raided outlying farmhouses and insulted their women; hate and violence fed murder and revenge; my father's people fought back, showing false lights on the lake shores, wrecking boats—men said—stealing cargoes and murdering crews. King Strang enlisted the Indians, and when the government proceeded against him, fortified a small island in a little lake and planted cannon. It was all a miserable business, ending when Gentile settlers invaded Beaver Island, shot Strang, burned the forts and tabernacle of the Kingdom, sacked the settlements and scattered the Believers. Most went west; but my father, then only seventeen, stayed in the State, clinging to the best of the belief in which he had been born but discarding the worst. He cleared a farm in the woods, married a Gentile girl from Big Rapids, and was living an honorable, useful life when he crossed the path of Lucas Cullen who recently had arrived to make his fortune in the forest."

The source of the voice was discovered. It came from that darkened end of the room where Barney had supposed his mother to be; and, as people craned about or stood to see the speaker, she arose and, having cast off her veil and the dark coat she had worn, she stood a little apart, dressed all in white, with the dim glow from the center of the room falling vaguely upon her face and figure, while women and men made recognition.

"Mrs. Cullen!—Agnes!—Mrs. Oliver Cullen!—