Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/384

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meant vigilance; and when she almost succeeded, it was with such calamitous effects that she had more weeks in bed from pneumonia; and when at last she returned to the Rock, it was deserted.

The neighboring Indians said that Noah Jo had perhaps gone to Kettle River or to L'Arbre Croche or, maybe, to Cross Village, or, perhaps into Superior to the Minnesota Indians. So she spent agonizing weeks in vain pursuit of this guess and then of that. Her money was all gone; sometimes she begged loans from strangers who pitied her; often she worked, menially, for wages enough to let her go on with her search. Then she heard that Noah Jo and his wife had been lost on the lake in a November storm.

She went to Chicago shortly after that to resume her effort to get her father free and to punish, if she could, the man who had taken away her father and was responsible for the situation which had caused the loss of her son. She soon obtained a position in John Cullen's office. He then was on bad terms with his brother because of his knowledge of some of Lucas's methods; but he would not proceed against his brother, and when he discovered that Agnes Dehan was Drane's daughter, he dismissed her. But Oliver already was in love with her; though she told him all about herself and about her child whom she had lost, he persisted in his wish to marry her. He turned against his uncle even more violently than had his father; he actively went about gathering evidence to free Richard Drane; and he spent much effort and money in search of Agnes's child.

Oliver did not make public accusation of his uncle, but he did accuse him to his family. The sons sided with their father; but Deborah and her husband, who