Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/49

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Loutrelle? I suppose that meant through a sitting in France."

"To tell the truth, it seemed all silly stuff to me again, Miss Carew; the jump I'd got from that one good evening had worn off. Then I had the luck, on the twelfth of December, to get a special discharge. I wired Hus in London that I was coming and we'd have a good time. But he wired back not to come to England but to get passage to America; said he was writing in explanation. This letter came two days later."

He halted again and put his hand into his coat pocket, drawing out an envelope similar to the other and with English stamp and postmark. Ethel recognized the same vigorous handwriting. Taking out the letter, she turned her back to the sun and read:

Dear Barney:

If you've never taken anything on trust before, take this from me, old top. Beat it for home—particularly to the town of St. Florentin in Northern Michigan. Do you know it?

If you don't, find it! It's not on any map I've looked at, I admit; but it's somewhere near a Strait which must be Mackinac.

Now I'll not tell you why I'm ordering this. You'd say tosh and 'rot; but go! Particularly find a place named Resurrection or perhaps it's a house or a town near the water. Wait around. There'll be some one named Bagley there and Carew—not Philip Carew, I've mentioned before, unless there's another; maybe a relation.

You're to tell Bagley you're Dick and you'll take things over. Now I don't know what this refers to; and neither will you, probably. But it's all I can find