Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/56

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ment fastened upon the wall of his room and jerking the bell handle. He had been ringing at intervals earlier, Ethel guessed; and he was sure that by this time some one ought to answer.

She took down the receiver and replied.

"Ah! Ethel!" her grandfather's voice recognized her with irritable welcome. "So you did come, did you?"

Ethel made the obvious response and inquired about him and about her grandmother, inquiries which he ignored.

"You're at the cabin at last, I suppose."

"Yes, grandfather."

"Asa with you all right?"

"No, grandfather; Asa stayed at Quesnel."

"He did, did he? Then you're alone there?"

Ethel scarcely hesitated before replying "No"; but her grandfather noticed the hesitation.

"No!" he mocked her quickly. "Why didn't you want to tell me that; who's with you? How many?"

"Just one, grandfather."

"Who's he?"

"A Mr. Loutrelle, grandfather."

"What name?"

Ethel said it again and heard her grandfather repeat it to himself, before deciding, evidently, that he did not know it. Then he demanded of her:

"Who's a Mr. Loutrelle? A lawyer you're bringing, or one of your creditors?"

"No, grandfather; he's—" she hesitated, coloring a little, and she turned as she heard Loutrelle moving. He had pulled the door open and now he stepped out quickly, closing the door behind him to let her