Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/65

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hands, as had Redbird; but he accepted a cigarette and smoked it immediately when his passengers got on the sled and he drove back through the woods.

"Old man pretty well; pretty mad this morning; old lady well too." Green Sky vouchsafed genial information without urging. "Somebody come to Wheedon's yesterday; and go out to Rock. Old man go down to Wheedon; want to know about it; damn mad." Sam's information began to run around a circle.

Ethel glanced at Loutrelle whom she found gazing at her and waiting for her to ask the question.

"The name of the man—Sam—the man who came to Wheedon's yesterday."

"Oh; stranger. Nobody know him. Never seen here before."

"But he must have given a name, Sam."

"Sure. Mr. Bagley. That's all."

"Bagley, Sam? You said Bagley?"

"Sure thing; why not?"

"Where's he now, Sam?"

"Out there, I guess." He puffed cigarette smoke in the direction of the rock at which he stared for a moment or so longer.

"Hasn't come back. What you know 'bout that?" Sam inquired cheerfully.

Ethel refrained from comment; and Sam, instead of pressing his question, philosophized. "Damn funny business long time 'bout that."

He had turned carefully away from Ethel and toward Loutrelle for his oath.

"Damn funny," Loutrelle agreed quietly.

She caught his glance again, but he ventured no other remark in Sam's hearing until the sled ap-