Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/98

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undoubtedly. So she knew the man must be Kincheloe, returning.

gone out.

He carried the gun which he had taken to aid Asa in killing the fox; and as he neared the house, Ethel heard her grandfather go downstairs, heard the door open; then—she again was at the head of the stairs whispers. They went together to the "office" and locked themselves in. For a minute Ethel stood in the cold hall, held by numbing dread; just as she started to descend the stairs, she heard the office door open and her grandfather say distinctly, "All right; all right!"

They had lit the office lamp, and the beam of light from the door showed Ethel her grandfather standing while Kincheloe went past him toward the kitchen where he turned on the water. Ethel halted and stood watching her grandfather who remained back to her in the light from the door. She heard Kincheloe leave the kitchen and ascend by way of the back stairs.

Her grandfather slowly turned about, and the light from the office shone upon his face, inclined downward a little, strained and with muscles at the jaw drawn tight. She had only a glimpse before he stepped into the room and turned out the light; but, having seen, she gripped hard at the stair rail for an instant to steady herself before she crept back to her room and shut herself in to think.

Kincheloe and her grandfather were planning some deed,—some wrong, secret act of violence other way could she account for what she had witnessed in that glimpse of her grandfather's face—vindictiveness, triumph, fear. Yes; for fear was there. Fear was in his step now as he passed her door, fear but also determination. He was afraid of what he was to do, but he would go ahead. With what?