Page:Reuben and other poems.pdf/69

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Watching both, “What mirth,
What exultation new!” I said, “awaits
The happy Overseers angelical,
When at her berth arrived yon faultless ship
They scan, and, making true report to Him
That builded her and owns, perceive His smile,
But this poor wreck—for other destinies
Launch’d, by her make,—at such her home-return
What but a shamefaced pity can they feel,
And disappointment He?”

Then answer’d one:
“Thou seest the arrival. Hast thou watch’d the voyage?
Happy the ship with cargo well bestow’d
At starting, and in sailing a fair wind:
’Twixt port and port her course set clear, by coasts
Unperilous, o’er roomy waters calm.
But—storms outridden, scarce-escapèd reefs,
Freight slowly won at many a sunder’d port,
Painfully shipp’d and borne thro’ many foes:
Collision suffer’d: and to long endure
The usage of the brine: and yet win home—
This asks for staunchness, strength and enterprise,
This courage claims, and seamanship exact.
And should it not bring honour?”