The twenty-third district consists of the county of Stutsman, and is entitled to one senator and two representatives.
The twenty-fourth district consists of the county of LaMoure, and is entitled to one senator and one representative.
The twenty-fifth district consists of the county of Dickey, and is entitled to one senator and two representatives.
The twenty-sixth district consists of the counties of Emmons, McIntosh, Logan and Kidder, and is entitled to one senator and two representatives.
The twenty-seventh district consists of the county of Burleigh, and is entitled to one senator and two representatives.
The twenty-eighth district consists of the counties of Bottineau and McHenry, and is entitled to one senator and one representative.
The twenty-ninth district consists of the counties of Ward, McLean and all the unorganized counties lying north of the Missouri river, and is entitled to one senator and one representative.
The thirtieth district consists of the counties of Morton and Oliver, and is entitled to one senator and two representatives.
The thirty-first district consists of the counties of Mercer, Stark and Billings and all the unorganized counties lying south of the Missouri river, and is entitled to one senator and one representative.
Article 4.-Printing and Distribution of Laws and Documents.
§ 38. Printing commission. The secretary of state, state treasurer and state auditor shall be ex officio commissioners of public printing during their terms of office respectively.
§ 39. Classes of printing. The printing of the state is hereby divided into five classes, the first and second to be let in one contract, and the third, fourth and fifth classes in separate contracts as follows:
1. The printing of bills, resolutions and other documents for the use of and incident to the legislative assembly shall constitute the first class.
2. The printing and binding of the journals of the senate and house of representatives shall constitute the second class.
3. The printing and binding of executive and public documents and reports shall constitute the third class.
4. The printing and binding of the volume of laws, with the joint resolutions, which shall be included in said volume, shall constitute the fourth class.
5. The printing of all blanks, circulars and other miscellaneous job work necessary for the use of the executive departments, other than such as are printed in pamphlet form and not entering into the volumes of executive documents, and all printing not included in the foregoing classes shall constitute the fifth class.
§ 40. Proposals for printing. The commissioners of public printing shall at least six months immediately preceding each regular session of the legislative assembly advertise for four weeks successively in two daily papers in the state, one of which shall be at the seat of government, inviting sealed proposals for doing all printing and binding required by the legislative Assembly and by the several state departments for the two succeeding years commencing with the first day of January next following the date of the contract, and such bids shall specify at what per cent below the maximum rates sever-