fifty cents per quire; ditto, plain ruled extra full bound, three dollars per quire; ditto, printed heads, three dollars and fifty cents per quire.
Medium paper, forty pounds to the ream, plain ruled, extra full bound, four dollars per quire; ditto, printed heads, four dollars and fifty cents per quire.
Super-royal paper, fifty-four pounds to the ream, plain ruled, extra full bound, four dollars and fifty cents per quire; ditto, printed heads, five dollars per quire.
§ 42. Paper, quality, price. All paper used for printing and binding of whatever nature shall be standard weights and grades and approved by the commissioners of printing. The maximum price of sized and calendered book paper shall be ten cents per pound; of linen ledger paper, twenty-five cents per pound; common flat paper, eighteen cents per pound; best bond paper twenty-five cents per pound.
§ 43. Proposals how made. Bond required. Each proposal shall be in writing, sealed and addressed to the secretary of state, and shall be accompanied by a bond, executed in due form by the bidders, with at least two good and sufficient sureties, satisfactory to the commissioners, in the penal sum of four thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance pursuant to this article of such class or classes of the state printing as may be awarded to him, and for the payment, as liquidated damages by such bidder to the state of any excess of cost over the bid of such bidder, which the state may be obliged to pay for such work by reason of the failure of such bidder to complete his contract. No bid unaccompanied by such bond shall be considered, and the right is reserved to the commissioners to reject any bid made by any other than regularly established and thoroughly competent printers, and shall also have the right to reject any or all bids if in their judgment the best interests of the state would be subserved thereby.
§ 44. Opening of bids. Awards. The commissioners, or any two of them, shall within two days after the expiration of the term for receiving proposals as aforesaid, and not later than the first Tuesday after the first Monday in August proceed to open in public all such proposals received by them and to award the contract for each class of printing to the lowest bidder therefor, subject to the reservations of the preceding section; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed so us to prevent the same person from becoming contractor for two or more classes of printing, if he shall be the lowest bidder therefor. If two or more persons bid the same, and the lowest price for any class, or classes of printing, the commissioners shall award the contract to such one or more of them as in their opinion will best subserve the interests of the state.
§ 45. How bills to be printed. Work of the first class shall be printed on first-class sized and calendered paper, from small pica type, with double the space between each line, the printed pages to be thirty-three ems pica wide and fifty-five ems pica long; one hundred and fifty copies of each bill shall be printed unless otherwise ordered by resolution of either house.
§ 46. How journals to be printed. The journals of the legis-
lative assembly shall be printed on first-class sized and calendered paper, of not less than forty pounds to the ream, size 25x38, from long primer type set solid (except that extracts, table-work, roll-calls, etc., may be set in brevier or smaller type); the printed pages to be twenty-five ems pica in width and forty-three ems pica in length.