sell the remaining copies to residents of the state for the price per copy paid for printing and binding and to other persons at twenty-five per cent higher price.
§ 9. Each of said commissioners shall receive compensation for his services performed under the provisions of this act in the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars per year, due and payable quarterly at the end of each quarter upon duly verified accounts and vouchers approved by the governor, and their incidental expenses for postage, stationery or other matters in the performance of their duties shall be paid in like manner. Their clerk shall receive compensation at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars, and stenographer eight hundred dollars per year, due and payable in like manner upon accounts certified by the commissioners, and the auditor is hereby directed to draw his warrants upon the state treasurer accordingly.
§ 10. Chapter 82 of the laws of 1890, state of North Dakota, entitled "An act to provide for the compilation, publication, distribution and sale of the laws of the state of North Dakota," approved March 10, 1891, is hereby repealed.
§ 11. Whereas, an emergency exists in this that it is necessary that the appointments herein contemplated shall be made long prior to July 1, 1893; therefore, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its passage and approval.
Approved, March 1, 1893.