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Page:Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota 1895.pdf/111

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The Legislative Assembly.
§§ 59-63

copies of the biennial reports of the commissioner of insurance; also one thousand copies of the biennial reports of the commissioner of agriculture and labor; provided, that on request of the commissioner of agriculture and labor, such request to be approved by the governor, there shall be printed separately in pamphlet form such parts of the biennial report of said commissioner of agriculture and labor, or such special papers or articles in connection therewith, and such crop reports or other papers or pamphlets from time to time as such commissioner and the governor may jointly recommend for such separate publication, and the number of copies to be printed of each of said separate publications, crop reports or other papers or pamphlets shall be determined by the commissioner of agriculture and labor and the governor jointly.

§ 60. Journals and laws, number of printed. There shall be printed one hundred and fifty copies of each journal for the daily use of the legislative assembly, and three hundred copies of the bound edition which shall be in half binding; provided, that the legislative assembly may by concurrent resolution increase such number; one thousand five hundred copies of the general and special laws and joint resolutions shall be printed in one volume and bound in accordance with the provisions of this article.

§ 61. Commissioners have charge of all printing paid for by the state. The commissioners shall have charge of all the printing and binding required to be done for the several departments of the government; receive the proper orders for the same, and have the same properly executed according to law; keep a record of all work ordered from the several contractors under the law, and of all printing and binding ordered by the legislative assembly; examine and supervise the work of printing in progress, and see it is executed with due economy to the state; make or authorize to be made the necessary indices for the volumes of the executive documents and reports; examine all accounts for printing and binding that may be presented, and adjust the same according to the terms of the contracts and in accordance with law and such rulings as may be determined by the commissioners. No printing required by any state officer as provided under this article shall be paid for unless the same shall have first been authorized by the legislative assembly or by the commissioners of printing:

§ 62. Copies of documents to accompany bills for printing. Every contractor for public printing shall file and preserve one copy of each document or other matter printed by him for the state, which he shall deliver to the commissioners of printing at the same time the completed work is delivered together with a memorandum bill of the same. In the account submitted for the payment of the work the contractor shall at the same time submit his order for the work and state specifically the nature of the work performed, the number of copies, the number of ems of composition, the extra charge, if any, for rule or figure and rule and figure work: the number of impressions of press work, the cost of folding and binding and any other charges for which he claims payment; and if there is a charge for any alterations or changes from copy, the proofs of original composition and changes must be presented.

§ 63. Printing accounts, how certified and paid. When the account of any contractor under this article shall have been adjusted, the commissioners shall certify the same to the state auditor,77