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Page:Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota 1895.pdf/117

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Executive Department.
§§ 91-94

3. To affix the great seal with his attestation to commissions, pardons and other public instruments to which the official signature of the governor is required.

4. To record in proper books all conveyances made to the state and all articles of incorporation filed in his office.

5. To receive and record in proper books the official bonds of all state officers, from whom bonds are required by law, including his own, and then deliver the originals to the state treasurer, excepting the bond of the state treasurer, of which he shall remain the custodian.

6. To take and file in his office receipts for all books distributed by him and to direct the county auditor of each county to do the same.

7. To certify to the governor the name of any person who has received at any election the highest number of votes for any office the incumbent of which is commissioned by the governor.

8. To furnish on demand to persons paying the fees therefor a certified copy of all or any part of any law record or other instrument filed, deposited or recorded in his office.

9. To keep a fee book in which must be entered all the fees, commissions and compensation of whatever nature or kind by him earned, collected or charged, with the date, name of payor, paid or unpaid, and the nature of the services in each case, which book must be verified annually by his affidavit entered therein.

10. To file in his office descriptions of the seals in use by the different state officers, and to furnish such officers with new seals when they may be required.

11. To discharge the duties of a member of the following state boards: equalization; the state board of canvassers; trustees of public property; university and school lands; commissioners of public printing; and to perform such other duties as are now or may be hereafter prescribed by law.

12. To report to the governor at the time prescribed by law for other state officers to report all moneys received from any source for services performed and accompany such report with a detailed statement under oath of the manner in which the appropriations for his office have been expended.

13. He must distribute the bound volumes of the decisions of the supreme court as provided in section 399.

§ 92. Distribution of laws, resolutions and journals. Immediately after the laws, resolutions and journals of the legislative assembly are bound he shall distribute the same to the persons entitled thereto under the provisions of article 4 of chapter 2 of this code.

§ 93. To mark books distributed. The secretary of state must indelibly mark each book distributed to officers of this state, except members of the legislative assembly, with the name of the county to which, and the official designation of the officer to whom the same is sent, and such book shall remain the property of the state and must be by the officers receiving them delivered to their successors.

§ 94. To receive, keep and distribute supplies. It is the duty of the secretary of state to receive and keep the supplies and articles purchased by the commissioners of printing for the legislative assembly and state officers, and he shall distribute the same from time to time as required, on the requisition of the proper state or legislative officer, taking a receipt therefor and filing such requisition in his office. He must keep a book to be known as a book of supplies in which he must