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Page:Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota 1895.pdf/123

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Executive Department.
§§ 109-114

show the actual condition of the funds, or if it appears to the state examiner that any moneys belonging to the state have been embezzled, diverted or in any manner taken from the treasury without authority of law, or that the state treasurer has been guilty of negligence in keeping his books or taking care of the public moneys, he must certify the fact to the governor; who upon the receipt of such certificate must forthwith take possession of all books, moneys, papers and other property belonging to the state, which have come into the possession of such state treasurer by virtue of his office, or otherwise, and must temporarily suspend him from his office of state treasurer.

§ 110. Suspension and appointment by governor. The governor must thereupon, with the auditor and public examiner, examine the books, papers and all matters connected with the office of the state treasurer, so suspended, and if it appears to the said governor, state auditor and state examiner on such examination, that such state treasurer has embezzled or converted to his own use the public moneys, or has been negligent in keeping his books, or in taking care of public moneys, the governor on the certificate of said state auditor and said state examiner to that effect may in his discretion remove and appoint another person to fill the place of said suspended state treasurer, and such person so appointed must execute an official bond and enter upon the office of state treasurer as provided by law. The governor must report all his acts done under this and the next preceding section to the next succeeding legislative assembly, and the state treasurer so appointed holds his office until the suspended state treasurer is reinstated, or his successor is elected and qualified.

§ 111. Redeemed warrants deposited with auditor. He shall on the last day of March, June, September and November deposit in the office of the state auditor all warrants by him redeemed or received in payment at the treasury, and take the auditor's receipt therefor.

§ 112. Prohibited from purchasing warrants or accounts. He shall in no case purchase or receive any warrants redeemable at the treasury or any audited account at a less value than is expressed therein; nor shall he receive any fees or reward, aside from his annual salary, for transacting any business connected with the duties of his office.

§ 113. Delinquencies, accountable for. If in any instance the treasurer shall neglect to call to account any delinquent, whereby the public revenue may suffer a loss, he shall be held and deemed accountable for the sums due by such delinquents to all intents and purposes the same as if the funds had actually been paid into his office.

§ 114. To register state bonds. The state treasurer upon presentation to him of any bond issued by, or assumed by the state of North Dakota, and upon application to him in writing by the owner of such bond for the registration thereof shall register such bond (first detaching and canceling all unmatured coupons, in case such bond is a coupon bond), in the name of the said owner in a book which he shall keep for that purpose; and after such registration of ownership as aforesaid, duly indorsed by the treasurer upon the bond so registered, no transfer of ownership of such bond shall be deemed valid unless registration of such transfer shall have been made by the state treasurer as aforesaid; and such bond shall continue subject to registration and to transfer at the option of the owner.