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Page:Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota 1895.pdf/1261

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the Elective Franchise.
§§ 6856-6862

§ 6866. Elector. Illegal influence. Every person offering, giving or loaning to another any money or other thing of value, to induce him to influence any elector to vote in a particular way or for any person at any such election, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

§ 6857. Betting upon election, how punished. Every person who makes, offers or accepts any bet or wager upon the result of any election, or upon the success or failure of any person or candidate, or upon the number of votes to be cast either in the aggregate or for any particular candidate, or upon the vote to be cast by any particular person or persons, or upon the decision to be made by any inspector of election, board of election or any member thereof, or any canvasser, board of canvassers or other election officers, or any question arising in the course of an election, or upon any event whatever depending upon the conduct or result of an election or upon the conduct or decision of any officer of an election or board of such officers, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 6858. Offers of office, how punished. Every person who, being a candidate at any election, offers or agrees to appoint or procure the appointment of any particular person or persons to office, as an inducement or consideration to any person to vote for, or to procure or aid in procuring the election of such candidate, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 8859. Communicating same. Every person who, not being a candidate, communicates any offer made in violation of the last section, to any person, with intent to induce him to vote for or to procure or aid in procuring the election of the candidate making the offer, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

$ 6860. Contributing money for elections, how punished. Exceptions. Every person who, with intent to promote the election, either of himself or of any other person or candidate, either:

1. Furnishes, or engages to pay or deliver any money or property, for the purpose of procuring the attendance of voters at the polls, or for the purpose of compensating any person for procuring attendance of voters at the polls, except for the conveyance of voters who are sick, poor or infirm; or,

2. Furnishes, or engages to pay or deliver any money or property, for any purpose intended to promote the election of any candidate, except for the expenses of holding and conducting public meetings for the discussion of public questions, and of printing and circulating ballots, handbills and other papers, previous to such election, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 6861. Defrauding elector in his vote. Every person who fraudulently alters the ballot of any elector or substitutes one ballot for another, or furnishes any elector with a ballot otherwise than as provided and authorized by law, or with a ballot containing more than the proper number of names, or who intentionally practices any fraud upon any elector to induce him to deposit a ballot as his vote and to have the same thrown out and not counted, or otherwise to defraud him of his vote, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 6862. Obstructing elector. Every person who willfully and without lawful authority obstructs, hinders or delays any elector on his way to any poll where an election shall be held is guilty of a misdemeanor.