sheriff or any constable of the county, or one or more special constables to be appointed by him or them, to take the person so offending into custody and detain him until the final canvass of the votes shall be completed. But such order shall not prohibit the person taken into custody from voting at such election.
§ 6882. Such arrest, not defense. The fact that any person, offending against the provisions of the preceding section, was taken into custody and detained, as therein authorized, forms no defense to a prosecution for the offense committed, under any provisions of this code.
§ 6883. Destroying ballots or boxes. Every person who willfully breaks or destroys, on the day of an election or before the canvass is completed, any ballot box used or intended to be used at such election, or defaces, injures, destroys or conceals any ballot which has been deposited in any ballot box at an election, and has not already been counted or canvassed, or any poll list used or intended to be used at such election, is guilty of a felony.
§ 6884. False certificates. Suppressing certificate. Every person who falsely makes, or makes oath to or fraudulently destroy's any certificate of nomination or any part thereof, or files or receives for filing any certificate of nomination, knowing the same or any part thereof to be falsely made, or suppresses any certificate of nomination which has been duly filed, or any part thereof, or forges or falsely makes the official indorsement on any ballot, or willfully neglects properly to indorse said ballot shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than one and not exceeding five years.
§ 6885. Destroying supplies, lists or cards. Every person who, during an election, willfully removes or destroys any of the supplies or other conveniences placed in the booths or compartments for the purpose of enabling the voter to prepare his ballot, or prior to or on the day of an election willfully defaces or destroys any list of candidates posted in accordlance with the provisions of law, or any copy of the printed ticket so posted, or who, during an election, tears down or defaces the cards printed for the instruction of voters, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars.
§ 6886. False poll list. Every poll clerk or clerk of the poll at any election, who willfully keeps a false poll list, or who knowingly inserts in his poll list any false statement, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 6887. Misconduct of judges. Challenges. Every inspector or judge of an election, who willfully excludes any vote duly tendered, knowing that the person offering the same is lawfully entitled to vote at such election, or who willfully receives a vote from any person who has been duly challenged in relation to his right to vote at such election, without exacting from such person such oath or other proof of qualification as may be required by law, or who willfully omits to challenge any person offering to vote, whom he knows or suspects not to be duly entitled to vote, and who has not been challenged by any other person, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 6888. Falsely canvassing or certifying. Every inspector or judge of election, member of any board of election or of canvassers, poll clerk, messenger or other officer authorized to take part in or perform any duty in relation to any canvass or official statement of votes cast at any election, who willfully makes any false canvass of