3. To report in detail to the attorney general any violation of law relative to insurance companies, their officers or agents.
4. To furnish to insurance companies required to make reports to him the necessary blank forms for the statements required.
5. To preserve in permanent form a full record of his proceedings and a concise statement of each company or agency visited or examined.
6. To furnish at the request of any person and on payment of his fees certified copies of any record or paper in his office, when he deems it not prejudicial to the public interests so to do, and to give such other certificates as may be provided by law.
7. To furnish a written report to the governor on or before the fifteenth day of November of each year showing his official acts, the receipts and expenditures of his department during the preceding fiscal year, the condition of the companies doing business in this state and such other information as will exhibit the affairs of his department; which report shall be printed, to the number of five hundred, at the expense of the state, and distributed among the members of the succeeding legislative assembly, and otherwise as provided by law. Such report must contain only an abstract of the reports of insurance companies.
8. To send a copy of his annual report to the insurance commissioner, or other similar officer, of every other state and to each company doing business in this state.
9. To communicate on request to the insurance commissioner of any other state any facts which by law it is his duty to ascertain respecting companies of this state doing business within such state.
10. To have an official seal and to employ competent clerks, such clerks to discharge such duties as he may assign, and in case of his sickness or temporary absence from office, his chief clerk shall have authority to sign his name and perform such other duties as are required by law pertaining to the duties of such commissioner of insurance.
§ 133. Fees. The commissioner of insurance shall. charge and collect such fees as are prescribed in chapter 14 of the civil code.
§ 134. Salary. The annual salary of the commissioner of insurance, to include all services performed by him, is two thousand dollars.
§ 135. When commissioner disqualified, state examiner to act. In case the commissioner of insurance is a director, officer, agent, attorney, a stockholder of or directly interested in any insurance company except as an insured, the examination of such company shall be made by the state examiner, or by some person appointed by him; and no officer or agent of any insurance company doing business in this state shall be deputed to examine the affairs of such company.
Article 9.-The State Examiner.
§ 136. Appointment. Term of Office. Qualifications. There shall be a state examiner who shall be appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate, who shall hold his office for the term of two years, and until his successor has been appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed as herein provided. The state examiner shall be a skilled accountant, an expert in the theory and practice of book-keeping, and shall not be an incumbent of any public office in the state, or of any county, municipality or public institution therein,