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Page:Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota 1895.pdf/1312

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§§ 7214-7219

6. Having the care, custody or control of a child, permits such child to sell, give away or in any manner to distribute:

Any work, pamphlet, magazine, newspaper, story paper or other print or publication devoted to the dissemination or principally made up of criminal news, police reports or accounts of criminal deeds, or pictures and accounts or stories of deeds of bloodshed, lust or crime, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 7214. Same. Punishment. Every person convicted of any of the offenses mentioned in the last section is punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months or by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or both.

§ 7218. Bringing obscene literature into state. Every person who shall bring or cause to be brought into the state, or shall buy, sell or cause to be sold, or shall advertise, lend, give away, offer, show or exhibit, or shall have in his possession with intent to sell, lend, give away, offer, show, exhibit, distribute or cause to be distributed, or shall design, copy, draw, photograph, print, etch or engrave, cut, carve, make, publish or otherwise prepare or assist in preparing, or shall receive subscriptions for any indecent or obscene book, pamphlet, paper, picture, print, drawing, figure, image or other engraved, printed or written matter, or any article or instrument of immoral use, or any book, pamphlet, magazine or other paper devoted principally or wholly to the publication of criminal news or pictures or stories of deeds of bloodshed or crime, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five dollars and not more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in a county jail not to exceed thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

§ 7216. Child defined. The term "child,” employed in this chapter, imports any person not exceeding eighteen years of age.



§ 7217. Lottery defined. A lottery is any scheme for the disposal or distribution of property by chance among persons who have paid or promised or agreed to pay any valuable consideration for the chance of obtaining such property or a portion of it, or for any share of or interest in such property, upon any agreement, understanding or expectation that it is to be distributed or disposed of by lot or chance, whether called a lottery, a raffle or a gift enterprise, or by whatever name the same may be known.

$ 7218. Lottery a public nuisance. Every lottery is unlawful and a common public nuisance.

§ 7219. Drawing lotteries. Punishment. Every person who contrives, prepares, sets up, proposes or draws any lottery, is punishable by a tine equal to double the amount of the whole sum or value for which such lottery was made, and if such amount cannot be ascertained, then hy imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than1278