brand, imprint, printed wrapper, ticket or mark affixed to or upon it, in case the person affixing or causing to be affixed such mark, or such selling or exposing or offering for sale such bottle, case, box or other package, was not the first to employ or use such words as his trademark, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and in addition to the punishment prescribed therefor is liable to the party aggrieved in the penal sum of one hundred dollars for each and every offense, to be recovered by him in a civil action.
§ 7261. Trade-mark defined. The words "trade-mark," as used in the sections preceding, includes every description of word, letter, device, emblem, stamp, imprint, brand, printed ticket, label or wrapper, usually affixed by any mechanic, manufacturer, druggist, merchant or tradesman, to denote any goods to be goods imported, manufactured, produced, compounded or sold by him, other than any name, word or expression generally denoting any goods to be of some particular class or description.
§ 7262. Goods defined. The word “goods,” as used in the sections preceding, includes every kind of goods, wares, merchandise, compound or preparation, which may be lawfully kept or offered for sale.
§ 7263. Affixing defined. When crime complete. The offense of affixing a false trade mark to goods is equally complete within the meaning of sections 7256, 7259 and 7260, whether such mark is affixed to the goods themselves, or to any box, bale, barrel, bottle, case, cask, wrapper or other package or vessel, or any cover or stopper thereof, in which such goods are put up.
§ 7264. Refilling or selling bottles. Whenever any person engaged in manufacturing, bottling or selling in bottles, soda, mineral waters, porter, ale, cider or small beer, has filed and published, in the manner authorized by law, a description of a name, mark or label, usually stamped by him in the bottles containing such beverage, every other person who, without the written consent of such manufacturer or dealer, refills with any beverage, whether genuine or otherwise, with the intent to sell the same, any bottles stamped with such name, mark or label, and every person who sells, disposes of, purchases or traffics in such bottles, is liable to a penalty of fifty cents for each and every bottle so filled, sold, bought, disposed of or trafficked in, for the first offense, and five dollars for each and every bottle so filled, bought, disposed of or trafficked in, for every subsequent offense.
§ 7265. Keeping bottles with intent to refill. Every person who keeps any bottles such as are designated in the last section, without the written consent of the manufacturer so to do, unless it appears that they were not kept with intent to refill or use or sell them in violation of the last section, is liable to the penalty therein prescribed.
§ 7266. Complaint. Search. Penalty. Whenever any manufacturer or dealer designated by section 7264, or his agent, shall make oath or affirmation before any magistrate that he has reason to believe and does believe, that any of his bottles stamped and registered as mentioned in said section are being unlawfully used by any person or persons selling or manufacturing mineral water or other beverages, or that any junk dealer or vender of bottles, has any of such bottles secreted in any place, such magistrate shall thereupon issue a search warrant to discover and obtain the same under the pro-1285