5. Willfully makes any false representation to procure registration as a pharmacist for himself or for any other person, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof,
Is punishable by a tine not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 7281. Provisions of last section limited. The provisions of the last section shall not be construed to interfere in any manner with the business of a physician in regular practice: nor to prevent such physician from supplying his patients with whatever he may deem necessary; nor to prevent him from receiving a certificate as a registered pharmacist as provided by law; nor to interfere with the making or compounding of proprietary medicines or medicines placed in scaled packages with the name of the contents and of the person by whom prepared or compounded; nor to prevent shopkeepers from dealing in or selling the commonly ueed medicines and poisons, if such medicines or poisons are put up by a regular pharmacist; nor from dealing in and selling patent or proprietary medicines; nor to interfere with the exclusive wholesale business of any dealer.
§ 7282. Selling certain enumerated poisons. Every person who, at retail, sells, furnishes or delivers to another, either:
1. Arsenic or its preparations, corrosive sublimate, white precipitate. red precipitate. hiniodide of mercury, cyanide of potassium, hydrocyanic acid, strychnia and all other joisons, vegetable alkoloids and their salts, essential oil of bitter almonds, opium or its preparations, except jaregoric and other preparations of opium with less than two grains to the ounce; or,
2. Aconite, belladonna, colchicum, conium, nux vomica, henbane, savin, ergot. cotton rcot, cantharides, creusote, digitalis and their pharmaceutical preparations, croton oil. «hloroform, chloral hydlrate, sulphate of zinc, mineral acids, carbolic acid and oxalic acid, without affixing to the bottle, box, vessel or package containing the same, the name of the contents, the word "poison," and his name and place of business, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 7283. Physicians' prescriptions excepted. The provisions of the last section shall not be construed to include or apply to the dispensing of physicians' prescriptions specifying or containing poison.
§ 7284. Record of poisons sold. Every person who, at retail, sells, furnishes or delivers to another any of the articles or preparations mentioned in section 7282 or any drug, chemical or proaration which according to the standard works on medicines or materia medica is liable. in quantities of sixty grains or less, to destroy adult human life, and who, either:
1. Fails or neglects, before delivering the same, to enter or cause to be entered in a book kept for that purpose', the date of sale, the name and address of the person to whom delivered or sold, the name, quantity and quality of the article or preparation delivered or sold, and the name of the dispenser: or,
2. Fails, neglects or refuses during business hours to exhibit such book and every part thereof for inspection and to permit the same and every part thereof, upon demand, to be inspected by any physician. coroner, sheritl. constable or magistrate of the county, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 7285. How violations punished. Every person convicted of any of the offenses mentioned in sections 722 and 7284 is pun-1288