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Page:Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota 1895.pdf/1329

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Injected Stock
§§ 7331-7335

Causes or suffers his horses to run, with intent to pass another conveyance or to prevent such other from passing his own, is guilty of a misdemeanor.



§ 7331. Importing, using or selling infected stock. Every person who, either:

1. Imports or brings into this state any horse, mule or ass; or,

2. Suffers the same to run at large upon any common, highway or uninclosed land; or,

3. Uses, ties or keeps the same in any public place, stable or barn;

4. Sells, trades or offers to sell or trade the same, knowing or having good reason to believe such horse, mule or ass to be infected with the disease known as glanders or button-farcy, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, is punishable by imprisonment in the county jail, not exceeding one year, or by a fine of not less than fifty and not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by both.

§ 7332. Not restraining infected sheep. Every person who owns or has in charge any sheep infected with scab or other infectious or contagious disease and who, either:

1. Does not keep such sheep securely within some inclosure; or,

2. Does not herd them at a distance of not less than six miles from all farms, corrals, sheds or other established headquarters where sheep are kept or being herded; or,

3. Drives or permits any such sheep to be driven upon any public highway, or within the distance of one mile from any such highway, or within the distance of six miles from any farm, corral, shed or other established headquarters where sheep are kept or being herded,

Is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 7333. Last section limited. Public domain. The provisions of the last section shall not be construed to prevent a person who had established headquarters prior to March 11, 1887, from allowing such sheep to range upon the public domain within a radius of six miles from such headquarters; provided, such radius does not reach nearer than three miles from the headquarters of any other such person.

§ 7334. Refusing to allow examination. Every person who is in charge of any band of sheep that is being driven or kept within six miles of the headquarters where sheep belonging to any other person are kept or corralled and who fails, neglects or refuses, upon demand by such other person or any one in his employ, to stop such band and allow them to be examined, or to aid and assist in catching and examining them, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 7335. Willfully spreading infection, felony. Every person who willfully, either:

1. Carries or drives or causes to be carried or driven any sheep1295