§ 7358. Unlawful discharge of firearms. Every person who willfully discharges any species of firearm, air gun or other weapon, or throws any other missile in any public place or in any place where there is any person to be endangered thereby, although no injury to any person shall ensue, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 7369. No privilege from testifying. No person shall be excused from giving any evidence upon any investigation or prosecution for any of the offenses specified in this chapter, upon the ground that such testimony or evidence might tend to convict him of a crime. But such answer or evidence shall not be received against him upon Any criminal proceeding or prosecution.
§ 7360. Embezzlement and false accounts by officers. Every public officer, and every deputy or clerk of any such officer, and every other person receiving any moneys on behalf of or for account of this state, or of any department of the government of this state, or of any bureau or fund created by law, and in which this state or the people thereof, are directly or indirectly interested, who either:
1. Appropriates to his own use, or to the use of any person not entitled thereto, without authority of law, any money received by him as such officer, clerk or deputy or otherwise, on behalf of this state or the people thereof, or in which they are interested; or,
2. Knowingly keeps any account or makes any false entry or erasure in any account of or relating to any moneys so received by him, on behalf of the state or the said people, or in which they are interested; or,
3. Fraudulently alters, falsifies, conceals, destroys or obliterates any such account; or,
4. Willfully omits or refuses to pay over to this state or its officer or agent authorized by law to receive the same, any money received by him under any duty imposed by law so to pay over the same,
Is guilty of a felony
§ 7361. Other violations of law. Every officer or other person mentioned in the last section, who willfully disobeys any provisions of law regulating his official conduct, in cases other than those specified in that section, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 7362. Officer's fraud. Every public officer, being authorized to sell or lease any property or make any contract in his official capacity, who voluntarily becomes interested individually in such sale, lease or contract, directly or indirectly, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 7363. Officer refusing to perform duty. Every register of deeds, judge of the county court, state's attorney, county commissioner, sheriff, coroner or county superintendent of common schools, who willfully fails or refuses to perform the duties of his office according to law, is guilty of a misdemeanor. 1299