§ 159. Board of control. The custoly and control of such premises, together with adjoining property which may be added thereto, is vested in the state board of agriculture, and the general office of such board wherein shall be kept the property and records of said board, may be located and maintained upon such premises or in the city of Grand Forks.
§ 160. Rules to be adopted by board. Such board is author- ized and empowered to make any and all regulations, rules and pro- visions, not inconsistent with law, which shall in its judgment be necessary or proper for the government, management and control of such premises, and all expositions to be held thereon, and all such needful rules and regulations concerning the government and deport- ment of the public thereon as it may deem requisite and proper.
§ 161. Premiums. Any and all moneys expended by such board for premiums or exhibits or other displays, or which may hereafter be appropriated by the state for such purposes, shall be expended only for such expositions and displays as shall be held by such board upon the premises aforesaid.
§ 162. Meetings of board. Officers. The board shall meet annually at its office on the second Tuesday of March. At such meeting it shall elect from its own number a president and vice president of the board who shall serve until the next annual election.
§ 163. Secretary, duties of. The board shall, at its annual meeting, appoint some person, not a member of the board, secretary thereof and shall fix his compensation, which shall not exceed two hundred dollars per annum, and he shall hold his office during the pleasure of the board. He shall perform all such duties as usually pertain to the office of secretary or as shall be required of him by such board.
§ 164. Treasurer, duties of. The board shall also appoint at its annual meeting some person not a member of the board, treasurer thereof and fix his compensation, which shall not exceed one hundred dollars per annum. He shall give a bond in such sum and with such surety as the board shall require or direct, which bond shall be conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. He shall keep an accurate itemized account of all moneys received by him as such treasurer, and also of all moneys paid out, and shall make an annual report of all such receipts and expenditures to the board at its annual meeting, or oftener if required by the board.
§ 165. Special police, how appointed. The board, at or before the time of holding its annual fair, may appoint as many persons to act as police, as it may deem requisite to insure good order on or about the grounds where such fair is held. Each of such persons before entering upon his duties shall receive his authority from and take the oath of office before a judge or justice of the peace, and shall receive from such judge or justice of the peace a certificate of appointment, which shall be indicated by some appropriate badge of office, and when so appointed they shall be clothed with full police powers.
§ 166. Powers of board. State not liable for debts. The state board of agriculture ma in its name contract and be contracted with, purchase, hold or sell property and sue or be sued; but the state shall not be liable for any debt or contract of such board.
§ 167. Compensation of officers. The officers and members of the board, except the secretary and treasurer, shall serve without