liable to such fines, penalties and forfeitures as apply to persons refusing to obey a sheriff or other officer calling upon the aid of the county to assist in serving process or for quelling an insurrection.
§ 8561. Refractory inmates may be restrained. Whenever any inmate of the penitentiary offers violence to any officer or guard thereof or to any other person or inmate, either within the grounds or precincts of the penitentiary or at any place where said inmate may be or may be employed, or attempts to do any injury to the buildings or any workshop or to any appurtenances thereof, or disobeys or resists any reasonable command of any officer or guard, such officers and guards shall use all reasonable means to defend themselves, and to enforce the observance of discipline.
§ 8552. Uniform kindly treatment of inmates. The warden and all officers of the penitentiary shall uniformly treat the inmates thereof with kindness, and the warden shall require of the officers and guards that, in the execution of their respective duties, they shall in all cases refrain from boisterous and unbecoming language in giving their orders and commands. There shall be no corporal or other painful or unusal punishment inflicted upon the inmates of the penitentiary for violation of the rules and regulations thereof.
§ 8553. Discharge of inmates. Clothing. Employment. Every person committed to the penitentiary shall, when discharged, be provided with a decent suit of clothes and a sum of money, not to exceed five dollars, and also transportation to the place where he received sentence. He may be allowed employment at or in the penitentiary, under the rules and regulations established for the government of the inmates, for such period of time and at such rate of compensation, as the warden shall deem proper and equitable; provided, that any person so discharged who has no infractions of the rules recorded against him, may be employed by any lensee of the workshop at the penitentiary for such time and for such wages and in such manner as may be agreed upon and approved by the warden; provided, however, that no person discharged from the penitentiary shall, in any way, be given supervision or authority over any inmate thereof.
§ 8554. Employment of inmates. Escapes. If the warden shall at any time deem it for the interest of the state, he may employ the inmates of the penitentiary outside the yard thereof in cultivating and improving any ground belonging thereto or in doing any work necessary to be done in the prosecution of the business of the penitentiary, or in the erection, repair or improvement of any or all the state buildings at Bismarck including the executive mansion, and the grounds of such buildings and mansion; and in all such cases the warden shall detail such force from the officers, guards and employees of the penitentiary as he shall deem necessary to watch and guard them; and in case any person committed to the penitentiary and so employed as in this section provided, shall escape, he shall be deemed to have escaped from the penitentiary proper and punished accordingly; provided, however, that the warden shall be held responsible for the escape of any such person through the negligence of himself or any of his subordinates.