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Habeas Corpus.
§§ 8684-8688

more than five years; in any prosecution for the penalty incurred under this section, it shall not be necessary to show that the writ of habeas corpus had issued at the time of the removal, transfer or concealment therein mentioned, if it is proven that the acts therein forbidden were done with the intent to avoid the operation of such writ.

§ 8684. Officer refusing prisoner copy of commitment. Penalty. Any sheriff or his deputy, any jailer or coroner, having custody of any prisoner committed on a civil or criminal process of any court or magistrate, who shall neglect to give such prisoner a copy of the process, order or commitment by virtue of which he is imprisoned, within six hours after the demand made by said prisoner, or anyone on his behalf, shall forfeit five hundred dollars.

§ 8685. Penalty for rearresting on same charge. Any person who, knowing that another has been discharged by order of a competent judge or tribunal on a habeas corpus, shall, contrary to the provisions of this chapter, arrest or detain him again for the same cause which was shown on the return of such writ, shall forfeit five hundred dollars for the first offense, and one thousand dollars for every subsequent offense.

§ 8686. All penalties inure to use of party aggrieved. All the pecuniary forfeitures under this chapter shall inure to the use of the party for whose benefit the writ of habeas corpus issued, and shall be sued for and recovered with costs, in the name of the state, by every person aggrieved.

§ 8687. Recovery of penalties no bar to civil action. The recovery of the said penalties shall be no bar to a civil suit for damages.

§ 8688. Writ may issue for witness. Discharge of bail. The supreme and district courts within this state, or the judges thereof in vacation, shall have power to issue writs of habeas corpus, for the purpose of bringing the body of any person confined in any jail within the same before them, to testify or be surrendered in discharge of bail. When a writ of habeas corpus shall be issued for the purpose of bringing into court any person to testify, or the principal to be surrendered in discharge of bail, and such principal or witness shall be confined in any jail in this state out of the county in which such principal or witness is required to be surrendered, or to any county in this state, and there be executed and returned by any officer to whom it shall be directed, and the principal, after being surrendered, or his bail discharged, or a person testifying as aforesaid, shall, by the officer executing such writ, be returned by virtue of an order of the court, for the purpose aforesaid, an attested copy of which, lodged with the jailer, shall exonerate such jailer from being liable for an escape. The party praying out such writ of habeas corpus shall pay to the officer executing the same, such reasonable sum for his services as shall be adjudged by the courts respectively.