of the city with the Chief of Police? Everyone made way for them and salaamed, touching his hands to his forehead and bowing low.
"Jump into my boat," said his uncle. "We shall catch these thieves! My two men will follow in your shikara."
Away they sped, paddling swiftly past all the other boats. Suddenly Rhamon dropped his paddle and pointing up the river, cried, "There they are!" By now the thieves had seen the police also. Quickly they untied the garden they were towing behind them. In another minute they had disappeared into one of the many little canals.
"Now we have lost them!" exclaimed the Chief of Police, rubbing his big nose. "But by the grace of Allah, we shall catch them yet!"
"By the help of Allah perhaps, but by my help, too," thought Rhamon, for he was sure he would know those two men again if ever he saw them.
"And you can be glad you have saved the