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‘And-every one (ſays our bleſſed Saviour) that has forſaken houſes, or brethren, or ſiſters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s ſake, ſhall receive an hundred fold, and ſhall inherit eternal life,’ Mat. xix. 29.
———Here is a promiſe worth a thouſand worlds ; worthy the ſhaking off and ſacrificing all our darling affections that ſtand between us and Chriſt, to hinder us from running into his bleſſed arms, and, wholly caſting ourſelves upon the riches of his mercy, in which alone there is comfort and rest for weary ſouls ſouls ‘ The king (ſays holy David) ſhall joy in thy ſtrength, O Lord, and in thy ſalvation how greatly ſhall he rejoice,' Pſalm xxi. 1. If we caſt our anchor here, we have a ſure foundation, and he that is the wiſe diſpoſer of all things, will not ſuffer us, even in this life, to want what he ſees convenient for us. ‘The earth is the Lord’s and the fulneſs thereof; the world and them that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the ſeas, and eſtabſhed it upon the floods,’ Pſalm xxiv. 1, 2.
Many times we find indeed that God withholds his hands from the righteeous, and gives them no ſuch plenty of