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the preſence of mine enemies. Thou anointeſt my head with oil, my cup runneth over. Surely goodneſs and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the houſe of the Lord for ever.’ Pſalm xxiii. Now, ſeeing all in heaven and earth is ien to our bleſſed Lord, how can we doubt but the riches of his mercy will extend to thoſe that love him, and keep his word in truth and righteouſneſs,
O let us ſtrive to ‘run the race that is ſet before us,’ that we may have the standard Chriſt offers in the riches of his mercy, which nothing can come near in value. If we can poſſeſs ourſelves to that, we have all that ought to be deſireable, all that can make us eternally happy.———Theſe are the only aims and hopes of the ſaints of God ; they deſire to purchaſe nothing but Chriſt, and in him find all that is rich, glorious, and good, all that is lovely and amiable: the only pearl of price, the rich treasure in the field, for which we ſhould part with all to purchaſe; and the net in without fail will enrich us for good and ſatisfy the vaiteſt deſire that thoughts can conceive.
O that I had wings like a dove, (ſays