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2 COR. viii. 9.

For ye know the grace of our Lord Jeſus
Chriſt, that tho he was rich, yet for
your ſakes he became poor, that ye thro'
his poverty, might be rich.

UPON this conſideration, we may raiſe our largeſt thoughts to an exceeding height. For, if wc purchaſe this pearl of great price ; if we buy this field. We have a portion laid up, ſufficient to ſatisfy the moſt deſirous mind and craving appetite, not only in this world, but in the world to come ; the conſideration of which made the apoſtle cry out, as in a rapture, ‘ O the heighth and depth 'of the riches and mercy of God in 'Chriſt Jeſus.’ In this there is no fading richeſ, that ‘ make themſelves wings and fly away,’ or are periſhng and cannot reprieve us in our greateſt neceſſity : But this is an unſpeakable and everlaſting treaſure, beyond what the world can afford ; this treaſure of riches is above the value of a thouſand worlds. Would you have length of days ? here you may,find it held out in one hand. Would