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compared with a glimmering taper. If the queen of Sheba came to admire the wiſdom of Solomon, ‘ Behold a greater ‘than Solomon is here !’ Behold here the wiſdom of the Father, the eternal Word, by whom all things were made that are made ; and yet he offers himſelf with all that can be counted rich and glorious, to thoſe that will freely embrace his tender love. O what would not ſome men do for a ſmall portion of earth, which at laſt they muſt be seperated from ? How do we behold worldlings grovelling below after vain transitory things, and ſparing no pains, coſt, haſard, nor danger, to acquire transitory trifles, and neglect to purchaſe, when ſuch a pearl of price is to be had ! nay, even neglect to deſire it ; preferring a ſmall weight of periſhing earth, before an exceeding weight of glory; referring ſickneſs. trouble,and diſeases,before life, eaſe, and immortal happineſs; O conſider, how infinitely unequal the terms are ; what infinite gain may be had for the like time, if well improven, that is ſpent in ſeeking after riches, even tranſcending the largeſt account: for, as the apoſtle tells us, ‘ Eye hath not ſeen ear hath not heard, nor hath it