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life-time, ſubject to bondage, having ſpoiled principalities and powers, and made a triumph over 'death and hell; baffles the king of terrors, and the enemy of mankind, who laboured earneſtly to enſlave and bring to final deſtruction all the ſons of Adam; and had undoubtedly ſeen his implacable malice accompliſhed upon the whole race, had not this great Prince diverted himſelf of his glory for a time to free us from bondage, and put us into a ſtate of poſſibility of ſalvation.
How can we, in theſe thoughts, do otherwiſe than break out in a rapture with holy David, ‘I will magnify thee, and I will praiſe thy name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and marvellous, worthy to be praiſed. There is no end of thy righteouſheſs. The memorial of thy abundant kinndness shall be showed, and men shall ſing of thy righteouſneſs: that thy power and thy glory, and the mightiness of thy kingdom is an everlaſting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all ages. The Lord upholdeth all ſuch as fall, and lifteth up thoſe that are bowed down. The he eyes of all wait upon thee, O Lord, and thou giveſt them meat in due ſeaſon' Pſalm cxxv. i , &c.
Theſe conſiderations, I think, ſhould