aboard ship would care—or know who—My three days' leave are up. I 'll be gone to-morrow, anyway."
She cried out in pure dismay.
"Oh, you must n't!" Then, flushed and confused,—"I forgot, of course. You 're such a wanderer—and have your duties, too"—She smiled uncertainly. "Why, I must have been making believe once more—it becomes a habit, probably—even to playing I had a big brother again. It was very nice to have one—just for an afternoon—but silly—and for a grown-up!—I beg your pardon"—
"Helen!" he cried, forgetting everything, and stepping in front of her, as if to intercept her look and her thoughts from going wide upon the sea. What he would have said further, he never knew; for in the wild manœuvre he nearly slipped from his feet.
"Come back from the edge!" she cried, and seized him by the jacket. "You must n't!" The movement swung them together, she still grasped the rough cloth by instinct, and for one fiery moment their faces were perilously