Page:Rigs o' barley (2).pdf/3

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I ha'e been blythe wi' comrades dear,
I hae been merry drinkin'
I hae been joyfu' gath'ring gear,
I hae been happy thinkin:
But a the pleaures e'er I saw,
Tho' three times doubled fairly,
That happy night was worth them a',
Amang the rigs o' barley.


Corn rigs, and barley rigs,
And corn rigs are bonny:
I'll ne'er forget the happy night,
Among the rigs wi' Annie.


Hear me ye nymphs and every swain,
I'll tell how Peggy grieves me,
Though this I languish, this complain,
alas she ne'er believes me!
My vows and sighs like silent air,
unheaded never move her,
At the bonny bush aboon Traquair,
'twas there I first did love her.

That day she smil'd and made me glad;
no maid seem'd ever kinder,
I thought myself the luckiest lad,

so sweetly there to find her: