Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/138

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Trails to Two Moons

had given her assent to ride with him into the Spout a great triumph had swept over the man's heart; his pride of conquest vaunted itself. As they rode together across the swelling divides Zang babbled exultingly of the future, and the pronoun we held large place in his discourse: "We 'll give those cow outfits a run," and "We 'll show that Original fella not to sit into a game less he savvys all the pricks on the cards."

Once in his pride of possession Zang pushed his mount close to the stumbling Christian and essayed to slip a masterful arm about the girl's waist. His hand was met by firm fingers, which promptly disengaged the clasp. "Say——" the man's protest began, but stopped there. Though Hilma's eyes were held resolutely to the front, a monitory tightening of the corners of her mouth carried warning not to be carelessly unheeded.

Puzzlement slowly began to oust confidence from the lover's mind. This was not the way a woman should act after she had given in to a man. No, sir! Any girl who had consented to have Zang Whistler for a sweetheart ought to warm up a bit. Any girl who was riding with him to the Spout——