Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/163

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Trails to Two Moons

thing but equal administration of the law in Broken Horn County had sickened him. But, somehow, the proposal made by Von Tromp smacked of heresy. Just because it came from Von Tromp, the outsider, the log roller and fixer,—a man of cities and alien to the Big Country.

"Well, sir, if anything like that 's started this country surely 'll be cat-dragged from one end to t'other. There 'll be a fine hell stew brewed unless——"

"But supposing the State authorities understand our viewpoint and—um—keep hands off while matters are being settled?" Von Tromp's cold eyes invited Original not to be a fool—to see, in short, that one Von Tromp would not be idle in the contingency under discussion.


Von Tromp suddenly rose from his chair, walked to the door, removed his hat from the knob and violently jerked the door open. As if disappointed at finding no eavesdroppers he peered into the hallway, then closed the door and again veiled the keyhole. He came and sat on the edge of the inspector's bed, removing a letter from his pocket as he did so.