Page:Ritchie - Trails to Two Moons.djvu/271

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Trails to Two Moons

two come with me for a little pasear down into the Spout to-night. Andy Dorson, I want you to take charge of the rest. Make a wide swing round the outside of the valley after dark as far as Tisdale's ranch. Don't show yourselves anywhere close to the ranch, but hide out in a bunch of cottonwoods you 'll find 'long the creek bottom between Tisdale's and the way into the Spout. Soon 's you see the first streak of mornin' saddle up fresh broncs, leavin' two of the boys to keep the string of horses there in the cottonwoods—which we 'll sure need fresh animals when we come larrupin' out of the Spout.

"You boys make into the Spout past Tisdale's so 's to get up to the old Bar C Ranch sometime before sunup. You 'll likely not see anybody below Bar C that 's ready to give you a run, but if you do just tear into 'em an' come a'runnin', because I'm figuring on landing on to the bunch when they 're having their hog an' hominy. You 'll find Timberline an' Hank here an' me hiding out somewhere on the road to Bar C with a friend or two"—here Original grinned—"that is, if we play in luck to-night. I m aimin' to cut Zang Whistler an' maybe one or two of his little playmates out of