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Order of the Eastern Star.
- The right of every Chapter to decide, from among eligible candidates, who shall be admitted to membership.
- The right of every member to visit any regular Chapter unless lawful objection is made to such visitor.
Every Subordinate Chapter must have a Charter or Dispensation legally issued and always present at its meetings, without which it cannot legally act.
The officers of a Subordinate Chapter shall be:
Worthy Matron, | Marshal, |
Worthy Patron, | Organist, |
Associate Matron, | Adah, |
Secretary, | Ruth, |
Treasurer, | Esther, |
Conductress, | Martha, |
Asso. Conductress, | Electa, |
Chaplain, | Warder, |
Sentinel. |
The Stations of the several Officers are indicated on the Plan of Chapter Room on page 12.