pended by a ribbon having the five colors of the Order.
Collars, Robes and other regalia in addition to what is here prescribed may be worn by Chapters that desire them, the General Grand Chapter only prescribing the minimum.
The Jewels appropriate to the several Officers are as follows:
Worthy Matron, Five-pointed Star with Gavel in the center.
Worthy Patron, Five-pointed Star with Square and Compasses in the center.
Associate Matron, Five-pointed Star with Sun in the center.
Secretary, Five-pointed Star with Cross-pens in the center.
Treasurer, Five-pointed Star with Cross-keys in the center.
Conductress, Five-pointed Star with Scroll and Baton in the center.
Associate Conductress, Five-pointed Star with Baton in the center.
Chaplain, Five-pointed Star with Bible in the center.
Marshal, Five-pointed Star with Cross-batons in the center.