Order should shine with undiminished lustre through our lives.]
W. M. Where is the Worthy Patron's station?
A. M. At your left, Worthy Matron.
[W. M. What is his duty and explain his badge of office.
A. M. To preside during the conferring of the degrees and at other times when requested to do so by the Worthy Matron; to act as her adviser, see that the officers are proficient in their work and exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the Chapter. His badge is the Square and Compasses within the Star, an emblem of the relationship existing between the Masonic Fraternity and the Order of the Eastern Star.]
W. M. Where is the Worthy Matron's station?
A. M. In the East, Worthy Matron.
W. M. What is her duty and explain her badge of office.
A. M. To preside at the meetings of the Chapter, see that its business is properly conducted and secure obedience to the laws and regulations of the Order,