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Page:Robert's Rules of Order - 1915.djvu/16

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consideration in order to sustain the objection

13 A negative vote on this motion cannot be reconsidered.

14 The Previous Question may be moved whenever the immediately pending question is debatable or amendable. The questions upon which it is moved should be specified; if not specified, it applies only to the immediately pending question. If adopted it cuts off debate and at once brings the assembly to a vote on the immediately pending question and such others as are specified in the motion.

15 Cannot be reconsidered after a vote has been taken under it.

16 The motion to reconsider can be made while any other question is before the assembly, and even while another has the floor, or after it has been voted to adjourn, provided the assembly has not been declared adjourned. It can be moved only on the day, or the day after, the vote which it is proposed to reconsider was taken, and by one who voted with the prevailing side. Its consideration cannot interrupt business unless the motion to he reconsidered takes precedence of the immediateiy pending question. Its rank is the same as that of the motion to be reconsidered, except that it takes precedence of a general order, or of a motion of equal rank with the notion to be reconsidered. provided their consideration has not actually begun.

17 Opens to debate main question when latter is debatable.

18 Rescind is under the same rules as to amend something already adopted. See notes 2, 5. and 6, above.


Incidental Motions. Motions that are incidental to pending motions take precedence of them and must be acted upon first. [See 13 for list of these motions.]

No privileged or subsidiary motion can be laid on the table, postponed definitely or indefinitely, or committed. When the main question is laid on the table, etc., all adhering subsidiaries go with it.