The Officers and the Minutes.
Chairman or President, pp. 236-244.
Hints to Inexperienced Chairmen, pp. 242-244.
Secretary or Clerk, pp. 244-247.
Corresponding Secretary, p. 246.
The Minutes, pp. 247-250.
Executive Secretary, pp. 250, 251.
Treasurer, pp. 251-253.
Nominations and Elections, and Miscellaneous.
Session, pp. 253-257.
Meeting, pp. 253-255.
Quorum, pp. 257-261.
Order of Business, pp. 261-263.
Nominations and Elections, pp. 263, 264.
[As the officers are usually elected by ballot that method of voting (pages 193-196) should be reviewed in connection with this lesson. The incidental motions relating to the methods of making nominations and taking the vote and of closing and reopening nominations and the polls (pages 95-97) should also be reviewed in connection with this lesson.]
Rules of an Assembly and their Amendments.
Constitutions, pp. 264-266.
By-laws, pp. 266, 267.
Rules of Order, pp. 267, 268.
Standing Rules and their Amendment, pp. 268, 269.
Amendment of Constitutions, etc., pp. 269-273.
Amending a Proposed Amendment to the Constitution, etc., p. 272.
Review Use of Tables on pages 5-10, and Index.