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Page:Robert's Rules of Order - 1915.djvu/325

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Motions, list of, continued.
indefinitely postpone 152
informal consideration of a question 234
insert words (see Amendment) 137
insert a paragraph (see Amendment) 140
lay on the table 104
leave to continue speaking when guilty of indecorum 80
leave to read papers 101
leave to be excused from a duty 102
leave to withdraw or modify a motion 100
limit debate 118
main motions or questions 51
objection to the consideration of a question 87
order, questions of 78
order, to make a special 73, 124
orders of the day. call for 68
permission, to grant (see Leave)
postpone to a certain time, or definitely 121
postpone indefinitely 152
previous question 111
principal (same as Main) motions or questions 51
priority of business, questions relating to 187
privileged motions or questions 57
privilege, questions of 66
reading papers 101
reception of a report (see Committees) 220
recommit (same as Commit) 125
reconsider 156
reconsider and enter on the minutes 165
refer (same as Commit) 125
renewal of a motion 171
rescind, repeal, or annul 169
rise (in committee of the whole equals adjourn) 63, 231
special order, to make a 73, 124
strike out words (see Amendment) 138
strike out a paragraph 140
strike out and insert words (see Amendment) 139
strike out and insert a paragraph (same as Substitute) 141
subsidiary motions or questions 54
substitute (one form of Amendment, which see) 141
suspension of the rules 83