"If you have a return ticket, why didn't you say so?"
"Because I didn't take a return ticket. I sail for England in a month or two via New York."
"Merely came this way to view the scenery?" suggested the officer.
"Exactly; still, I hope to get assistance when I land. I carry letters to people over here."
"You won't land," said the guardian of his country, with firmness. "The Dominion expects every man to pay his own way, and we consider it servile for any one to accept out-door relief. You flash up twenty-five dollars, or else stay aboard this ship."
"I agree with you," said Stranleigh, "that that's a very good spirit to work on."
He dug down into his pockets, and fished up some Canadian silver, which he counted.
"I find I have only a dollar and eighty cents. That last bottle of beer has wrecked me. What do you suggest?"
"I don't suggest. I order. It's you for the raging main once more. I've caught several of your tribe already."
"Ah, I understand now why Lord Kitchener avoided Canada, and came home through the