so if you don't mind, I'll make you my proxy charity commissioner."
The young man gave the astonished constable a handful of gold, and said:
"You take your percentage out of that, and distribute the rest among those who need it most."
"With your permission, sir," said the policeman, "I'll change all this into silver to-morrow, and divide it to-morrow night. I suppose you don't know that these people would have some difficulty in getting honest change for a gold piece. None of them could convince anybody they came fairly by it."
"I hadn't thought of that. I'm rather a bungler, you see."
"Well, sir, begging your pardon, you don't seem very wise."
"You've hit the nail on the head, officer. Good-night to you."
"Better have a cab, sir. You may get your own head hit before you leave the Embankment."
"My skull is too thick to be injured by any of these weaklings. Good-night."
"Good-night, sir."
The policeman stood watching as Stranleigh walked