Page:Robinson Writings of St Francis Assisi.djvu/121

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ought to honor and venerate all theologians and those who minister to us the most holy Divine Words as those who minister to us spirit and life.[1]

And when the Lord gave me some brothers, no one showed me what I ought to do, but the Most High Himself revealed to me that I should live according to the form of the holy Gospel.[2] And I caused it to be written in few words and simply, and the Lord Pope confirmed it for me. And those who came to take this life upon themselves gave to the poor all that they might have and they[3] were content with one tunic, patched within and without, by those who wished,[4] with a cord and breeches, and we wished for no more.

We clerics said the Office like other clerics; the laics said the Paternoster, and we remained in the churches[5] willingly enough. And we were simple and subject to all. And I worked with my hands and I wish to work and I wish firmly that all the other brothers should work at some labor which is compatible with honesty. Let those who know not [how to work] learn, not through desire to receive the price of labor but for the sake of example and to repel idleness. And when the price of labor is not given to us,

  1. See 2 Cel. 3, 99, where this passage of the Testament is quoted; see also Bonav. Epis. de tribus quaestionibus in which it is also referred to. (Opera Omnia, t. VIII, p. 335.)
  2. See Leg. III Soc. 29, for reference to this passage.
  3. Cod. O. reads: eramus "we were content."
  4. Cod. As. omits qui volebant, "by those who wished."
  5. Firm. and Wadd. add: "poor and neglected churches."